Taken from:
Unsupported Classes
- Accessibility
- Camera
- ContextMenu
- ContextMenuItem
- CustomActions
- LocalConnection
- Locale (mx.lang.Locale)
- Microphone
- NetConnection (Available in FlashLite 3.0, but not FlashLite 2)
- NetStream (Available in FlashLite 3.0, but not FlashLite 2)
- PrintJob
- TextField.StyleSheet
- TextSnapshot
Unsupported Methods (Functions)
- Mouse.hide, Mouse.show
- MovieClip.attachAudio
- MovieClip.getTextSnapshot
- Selection.getBeginIndex, Selection.getCaretIndex, Selection.getEndIndex
- System.setClipboard
- System.showSettings
- TextField.getFontList
- Video.attachVideo (Available in FlashLite 3.0, but not FlashLite 2)
- Video.clear
Unsupported Properties
- Button.blendMode, Button.cacheAsBitmap, Button.filters, Button.menu, Button.useHandCursor
- System.capabilities.language, System.capabilities.manufacturer, System.capabilities.pixelAspectRatio, System.capabilities.playerType, System.capabilities.screenColor, System.capabilities.screenDPI, System.capabilities.serverString
- Key.isToggled
- MovieClip.menu
- MovieClip.useHandCursor
- Stage.showMenu
- System.exactSettings
- TextField.menu, TextField.mouseWheelEnabled, TextField.restrict
- Video._alpha, Video.deblocking, Video._height, Video.height, Video._name, Video._parent, Video._rotation, Video.smoothing, Video._visible, Video._width, Video.width, Video._x, Video._xmouse, Video._xscale, Video._y, Video._ymouse, Video._yscale
Unsupported Global Functions
- asfunction
- MMExecute
- print, printAsBitmap, printAsBitmapNum, printNum,
- updateAfterEvent
Unsupported Event Handlers
- onUpdate
- Mouse.onMouseWheel
Unsupported fscommands
- allowscale
- exec
- fullscreen (I wonder if that means that FlashLite apps are unable to go fullscreen, or if you are just not able to set it to fullscreen via fscommand)
- quit
- showmenu
- trapallkeys
Luckily, most of them are quite logical exclusions such as classes related to right clicking, using the cliboard, and accessing usb components such as the camera, microphone, or printer. The other methods and properties I rarely use anyway, so I could possible mark many as my custom classes as "FlashLite Safe". :)
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