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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

[CLOSED] Pay what you want for five [edit: six] awesome games!

The Humble Indie Bundle is now closed.
For further information, see the Wolfire Games Website, or the follow up post

The Humble Indie Bundle

When World of Goo was released on the Wii (via WiiWare) I bought it nearly immediately, and it is definitely one of my favorite games of all time (still doesn't beat Portal, sorry, but it comes close)

I found this out a bit late, but luckily, not too late.

For a limited time, you can buy the following games:

Normally it would cost $80 if you bought them directly, but now you can choose what price you want to pay for these games, weather it be one penny or the full $80. All money received will be split between the developers, and in addition, two charity organizations, Electronic Frontier Foundation and Child's Play Charity.

All games are available for all three major platforms, Windows, MAC, and Linux (yeay!)

Not only that, but since the total number of donations exceeded $1,000,000 (that's one million US Dollars) Aquaria, Gish, Lugaru, and Penumbra will be releasing the sources of their games with the GNU Public license!

But hurry, if I understand correctly, the entire deal ends in 3 days and 19 hours from the time of this writing (there's a timer on their site if you don't feel like doing the math)

For more information, see their site, or this "rap informational video"

So go out and spread the word!

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